Wednesday, March 12, 2008

Roberto Nobre, Jazz band, ABC Magazine, 1925

Scanned from Lisboa Desaparecida 8, by Marina Tavares Dias.

Click image for 844 x 693 size.


Jack R said...

Hi Mariana,
You've posted great images, as usual. I wanted to let you know that my flickr site was removed yesterday by the flickr people. No reason was given but I think it can't be undone. So all my Bolles scans are gone. I'm going to regroup on a blog site and will let you know when it's up.
Jack Bollesbiggestfan

M said...

That's incomprehensible to me. None of your images were porn, or morally objectionable in any way. I just don't understand it. I hope that eventually they will at least give you an explanation as to why, and I look forward to seeing your Bolles collection again.

Jack R said...

They told me my images were "not my own". I responded and and said I owned the magazines, was supported by the Bolles family and that there were no existing copyrights to the magazines I scanned. But no reply. I'll let you know when the new (and improved) Bolles site is up. Thanks so much for your interest and support!

M said...

Yeah... my theory is they delete you if they don't like you for whatever reason (it's usually if they think you're too sexy for Flickr standards). Copyright issues and the like seem to be merely an excuse they use to pull the plug at any time of their choosing. I try to keep a low profile, but I suppose it will happen to me too sooner or later. It's a bummer. I hope the images are still there somehow, and that you won't be forced to go through all that work again. Best of luck, I hope the Bolles family sends them an email showing their support, I think that would be of help.

Jack R said...

Everything is gone, including images that were linked to blogs like yours. For me that's the worst because one of the things I wanted to accomplish was to introduce the art of Bolles to a wider audience, and with the help of people like you that was happening. I've quit bugging flickr about my situation because I don't want them to look around for other targets but my guess is that as long as you put up different sorts of images, it won't register to them.

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