Sunday, April 10, 2011

Pauline Johnson, 1930

Click image for 820 x 1012 size. Scanned from Portuguese magazine Ilustração, No. 111, August 1 1930.


Monique DEPORTE said...

Voici une tenue de style "pyjama japonais" qui doit-être bien agréable a porter.

3 sous 1 parapluie said...

Extremely elegant !!!
Beautiful picture....

Anonymous said...

wow! What a blog! Happy to read abt the discrimination bc this is what I am see in general myself - it's like a masshysteria and fear for "nothing". I'm not talking out of own experience now, even though I could bring up examples. I'm saying this out of I don't know, intelligence maybe and my notion of what is happening. I'm a fan of Art Deco and Bauhaus btw. Keep on bloging and good luck!

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