Saturday, April 12, 2008

Mary Nolan

Mary Nolan, originally uploaded by Gatochy.

Found in It'll Take The Snap Out Of Your Garters! blog.

Click image for 500 x 636 size.


PIGNOUF said...

Cette photo est vraiment trop belle, et votre blog est très agréable à consulter; d'ailleurs , il fait parti de mes liens favoris. A bientôt, François.

M said...

Merci beaucoup, François! I loved the posters on your site. Thanks for linking, I've also added you to the blogrol. A bientôt!

M said...

Olá, NINOTCHKA! Se fizeres um clic no label do nome dela podes ver outras fotografias, que também são deslumbrantes. Obrigada pela visita, abraços de Portugal.

Vintage belle said...


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