Tuesday, December 23, 2008

A Waggin' Good Christmas to You, 1928


Philip Marlowe said...

Mariana, you're my favorite "Deco Dame", and I hope you have a Moderne Christmas!

M said...

Aah, that's so nice to hear... :) Thank you, you're as handsome as Archie Leech. Merry Christmas!

PIGNOUF said...

Joyeux Noël Mariana ...:)

M said...

Joyeux Noël! :)

Séverine Personeni said...

Joyeux Noêl !!!!

M said...

Merci Séverine, Joyeux Noêl pour toi aussi. :)

Bhixma said...

Happy Christmas! Joyeux Noël! Frohe Wiehnachten! Um Feliz Natal

Marjorie Savill Linthwaite said...

Dear Art Deco,

Merry Christmas,

Respectfully yours,


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